With the school year quickly approaching, it is important to know how to set your kids up for academic success. It’s no surprise that success at school starts at home. Ensure you have a strong guidance system at home and that your kids are prepared to thrive at school by following these seven steps. 

Establish a Routine

-Kids thrive when there is a routine in place. Set aside specific times every day for homework, screen time, dinner, and bed. Be firm, and make sure your kids stick to it otherwise the effectiveness of the routine is lost. Another tip is to make sure kids do their homework and chores before fun activities like playing with friends or video games. This system of delayed gratification will set your kids up for successful habits they will carry through to adulthood.

Enforce Healthy Habits

-Make sure your child performs their best at school by enforcing healthy habits at home. Essential habits include making sure your child eats breakfast and making sure your child gets enough sleep. Children who don’t eat breakfast may be groggy and less focused during the mornings, which inhibits learning. Also, students who don’t get enough sleep will have a harder time focusing and retaining information.

Create Designated Spaces

-Pick a spot to keep all school stuff in one place. This will drastically improve your mornings because you’ll know right where to find everything during the rush to school and work.

-Dedicate a designated spot for homework. Your kids may be able to complete their homework on the couch, but they won’t complete it with the same time management and effort that they would in a distraction free workspace. A desk is great, but the kitchen table works as well.

Read Often

-Children spend the first few years of their lives learning to read and the rest of their lives reading to learn. Instilling a passion (or at least a like) for reading will boost your child’s academic performance for the rest of their lives. Try to read with your kids every day. Read out loud to them and have them read to you.

Learn Always

-Encourage your kids to be curious and continue their education outside of school. Teach your kids to become lifelong learners by urging them to research things they’re interested in like outer space, history, or cars. You can also incorporate math and science into everyday activities like cooking.

Talk and Show Interest

-Ask your kids about how school is going. See how they feel about their teacher, classroom, classmates, etc. Give them a chance to express their anxieties and excitements, and if you know what’s going on, it becomes easier to offer support and encouragement. Also, meet your child’s teacher and stay in touch via email.

Expect Success

-Finally, expect success from your child. This doesn’t mean demanding they be the smartest kid in class or the best athlete. It simply means that you convey to your child that you want them to always do their best and put in their full effort.

-If you provide a home environment that promotes learning, your child will have a greater chance of becoming the best student they can be.


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